As we prepared for our new strategy, we commissioned Homeless Link to write a comprehensive report summarising what is known about youth homelessness in the UK today.
Despite the limitations to the available data, it’s a rich report with lots of insights that are well worth taking the time to explore – the executive summary is a helpful place to start to avoid getting lost in the detail!
If you’re short for time, these are some of the key insights we took from the report:
- Young people face challenges particular to them – that’s why we provide grants to charities that offer specialised support that’s responsive to the needs of young people experiencing homelessness
- Marginalised groups of young people face increased risks and have different needs – that’s why we ensure some of our funding goes to charities that provide specialised support to vulnerable groups
- There is a framework for ending youth homelessness: the Positive Pathway model – our focus on housing provision meets the needs outlined in stages 3-5 of the positive pathway model, whilst our employability programme is one part of addressing stage 2 of the model
- There are inconsistencies and known gaps within the data – that’s why we’re working with partners to gather, share and analyse the data available to us as the largest funder in the UK that is solely focussed on ending youth homelessness
Read the report to find out more…
Or keep reading to find out how our strategy is responding to these findings…