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Groundwork South

Surveys and Valuations

South West

About the Organisation


Groundwork South is a social and environmental charity working with communities across the South of England to create stronger, healthier communities, responsible businesses, and greater prospects for local people. The organization delivers a wide range of projects that support some of the country’s most disadvantaged and hard-to-reach communities. Groundwork South’s mission is to transform places and lives by creating vibrant, green neighbourhoods where communities are strong and able to shape their own destiny, and where no one is held back by their background or circumstances. 

Goblin Combe (BS40 5PP) is a project managed by Groundwork South, encompassing a 120-acre woodland and a 38-bed residential lodge that benefits both local people and the environment. The lodge is situated on the edge of the woodland and includes additional facilities such as a 10-person yurt, an outdoor classroom, an 8-acre camping field, and a Grade-II listed cottage equipped with a kitchen and communal living space. 

Unfortunately, the cottage has fallen into a state of disrepair, prompting Groundwork South to seek funding to restore it and ensure it is once again fit for purpose. 

Request details:

They are currently in the RIBA Stage 1 phase of the renovation/repair project.  They have had initial scoping meetings with architects and are currently putting together a business case. A full building survey was conducted in June 2024 to identify key development priorities.  

 The organisation are therefore seeking pro bono support with the following surveys: 

  • Architect contributions towards feasibility studies. 
  • Building measured survey and topographical survey of the site. 
  • An asbestos survey – as identified in a recent building survey undertaken in June. 
  • PRA ecology survey – As the site sits in the North Somerset and Mendip Bat SAC for Greater and Lesser Horseshoe bats. 
  • PEA ecology survey – as it sits in a bordering Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Regionally Important Geological Site (RIGS), Special Area of Conservation (SAC), and Natural England ancient woodland. Ideally to be completed between May- December. 
  • M&E assessment of existing electrical and heating elements.

For additional context: The building to be renovated is a detached, converted single storey cottage, built approximately 1900 with subsequent extensions. It is brick built, with a pitched tile roof with central valley and external render finish and is Grade II listed owing to a number of plaques on the walls relating its history. It currently houses a communal kitchen, office room and dining/living/teaching space over approximately 100sqm. 



March 2025

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