Zac Goldsmith announced as final speaker at LandAid Debate 2016

Conservative Mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith has today been revealed as the final speaker at the much-anticipated LandAid Debate on 23 February 2016.


Zac joins Labour candidate Sadiq Khan, the Liberal Democrats’ Caroline Pidgeon, and Sian Berry of the Green Party for the annual head-to-head, which this year focuses on the London housing crisis.


With the median house price in the capital rising to 12 times the median income, crippling rents pushing out low-income Londoners and levels of homelessness surging, the need for a solution to the London housing crisis is intensifying.


Over 300 senior property figures are expected at the debate, which this year is being sponsored by Savills. With just months to go until the Mayoral elections, the four politicians will be looking to win over the influential audience at City Hall with their visions for housing.


Chaired by Sir Martyn Lewis, guests can expect another thrilling debate followed by drinks and networking. Tickets cost £120+VAT and can be purchased on the LandAid website.