Our approach to impact

We aim to strike a balance between being able to learn from, and celebrate the impact of, the projects we support, without over-burdening charity partners with reporting requirements.  

We have outlined an ambitious strategy that by 2029 we will have  created at least £150 million in social value.

We will have also positively supported 10,000 young people by providing homes, jobs and skills.

Alongside this, we aim to broker at least £1 million worth of pro-bono support for charities every year, and provide £4.5 million of Vodafone data to enhance digital connectivity amongst those most vulnerable.

Measures of success 

Our measures of success include outputs such as the total number of young people housed and/or moved into employment through projects we fund.  We track outcomes focussed on young people’s wellbeing and social connections, alongside collecting case stories, photos and videos (anonymised if required) to share with our supporters.  

More specifically, we also measure the social value of the support we provide to youth homelessness charities through our Social Value calculator, developed for us by HACT.

Social Value

Through the use of our Social Value calculator, created by HACT, we assess the predicted social value of grant applications, and monitor the progress of the projects we fund to further our understanding of the value generated by different approaches.  

Our calculator produces two values:  

Wellbeing Value measures the positive impact which outcomes such as moving from temporary to secure accommodation may have on young people – this is ultimately what concerns us most. However, there are other positive impacts, such as the savings to the public. This saving is referred to as Exchequer Value.  

These figures, combined, give us the Total Cumulative Social Value of a project. 

Find out more about our work

Projects we’ve supported

Find out more about the projects that have given young people a safe and affordable place to call home.

Young people’s stories

LandAid supports charities across the UK who give young people experiencing homelessness the lifeline that they so desperately need.

Support our mission

By becoming a corporate partner, donating your professional expertise or fundraising for LandAid, you will play a vital role in providing homes, jobs and skills for young people experiencing homelessness, giving them the foundations to grow.