Networks Against Homelessness

Our Networks Against Homelessness initiative brings a diverse range of networks from across the industry – many exist to improve diversity in the industry, aiming to make it more accessible for young people from all back grounds.

Youth homelessness is an acute and rising problem. The pandemic has adversely effected young people, many of whom were in unstable jobs and accommodation. But it has even more severely adversely affected young people from BAME backgrounds, LGBTQ+ young people and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

We created Networks Against Homelessness to bring together networks and memberships organisations from across the built environment to help us solve this.

Each year these networks pledge to help us to achieve our mission – through spreading the word about LandAid and youth homelessness with their members and raising funds for our work.

You can find the members of Networks Against Homelessness below.

To find out more, e-mail our Partnerships Team here.