We support vulnerable 16 to 25-year-olds who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness because we believe every young person deserves a safe home and a fresh start. Our aim is to break the cycle of youth homelessness in County Durham. We strive to enable young people’s transition from a place of chaotic housing need to a position of security, knowledge and confidence.
The grant will help unlock more bedspaces to house and support more vulnerable young people. This will be achieved by creating 20 more bed spaces through accelerated move ons and through the development of the ‘Staying Put’ housing management. The aim is to provide tenants with the opportunity to ‘stay put’ when support ends instead of having to find alternative accommodation. To be able to offer this flexibility, Moving on Durham intend on developing a greater landlord network and diversify the length of lease agreements to secure decent housing.
‘Our young people move out of our supported housing into permanent accommodation with either little or no support. To prevent potential tenancy failures and accelerate move on rates, we will provide transitional support overlapping into their permanent tenancy before we break away’.