Property sector gets ready for futuristic fundraising this LandAid Day

Most of us like the thought of raising money for charity but sometimes coming up with ideas can be tricky. Yesterday, over 40 professionals from across the property sector gathered at our LandAid Day Workshop hosted by the RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) in the hope of gaining fundraising inspiration for LandAid Day in October.


The workshop kicked off with an inspiring talk from Victoria Prew at Knight Frank. She shared her experience of fundraising for LandAid and being part of a team of graduates setting out to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. As well as giving the audience a range of fundraising ideas, including doughnut sales and sports leagues, she shared with us her top tips for fundraising: make it exciting, make it competitive, and build networks across the property sector to get as many people involved as possible.


We then shared our theme for this year’s LandAid Day… the future! What better way to celebrate LandAid’s 30th anniversary year, than by looking ahead to see what we can achieve in the next 30!


As an ice breaker, and to help our property representatives get in a futuristic mood, we gave each group an array of items including sparkly hats, balloons and tin foil… lots and lots of tin foil…. and the task of creating a costume based on a futuristic object, such as a spaceship, an alien and a time machine.


The creativity continued with each group then discussing their own futuristic fundraising ideas before sharing them with the room in a Dragons’ Den-style pitch. Some of the most popular ideas included a space hopper race and a cycle to the moon’ challenge, where participants cycle the distance between the earth and the moon – over 380,000km -sharing the distance between them. This is now going ahead and the more people who get involved, the more possible this will be – so do get in touch if you’re interested!


LandAid Day is our biggest fundraising event of the year. Last year, 50 companies across 12 cities got involved, raising an incredible £130,000. We want this year to be even better and need to raise £150,000 to help end youth homelessness. Funds raised will help vulnerable young people who are, or risk becoming, homeless by providing them with safe accommodation and the skills to get their life back on track. Check out more of our projects to see the amazing work your funds will go towards.


So what are you waiting for? Grab your colleagues and clients, check out our fundraising toolkit and let’s make ending youth homelessness part of our future.