Kevin joined our Programmes & Impact Team in March 2022, and in that short time made a huge impact on the lives of young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Drawing on his past experiencing working in frontline homelessness services, and his contagious passion for supporting those in need, Kevin transformed the LandAid Grants Programme to ensure that every penny of our funding has the greatest impact, across all areas of housing and support.
Kevin’s in-depth knowledge of the issues and barriers young people experiencing homelessness face today was invaluable in ensuring that the whole LandAid team, our Trustees, Committee Members, and our valuable partners and supporters had a clear sense of why our work is so important, now more than ever.
Our deepest sympathies go to Kevin’s family, friends, and his colleagues old and new.
Everyone at LandAid will miss his drive, energy, and humour. We hope to continue to develop the work he has done to help end youth homelessness, in his image.
Rest in peace, King Kev.