Pro Bono Success Story : Lemon Leopard

Lemon Leopard is a charitable community benefit society, working to establish affordable cohousing, learning, working, and caring cooperatives for young care leavers and students, elderly people and disabled people.

The charity identified that their publicly visible online presence was underdeveloped and that they needed support with establishing a strategy to clearly communicate their concept, demonstrate credibility within their organisation and garner support from a wide range of different stakeholders and potential supporters. Their request for pro bono communications support was answered by multi-disciplinary architecture firm Scroxton & Partners, who helped Lemon Leopard to refine their message and guide them through the process of how to establish a communications and marketing plan.

Dr Maryam Zonouzi of Lemon Leopard said: We were able to make our idea which originated in academia, into something which is digestible and easier to understand by the mass market. We needed someone external to take a look at our business plan with a fresh pair of eyes and give a professional opinion which Gary kindly did. With his guidance and support we have learned a great deal about how to communicate to difference audiences and will continue to use his marketing plan to guide our work. We do not have a communications and marketing team so it was invaluable to us to have this input without which we would not have been able to advance our work. Our beneficiaries have all commented on how the scheme is so much more tangible and understandable from a consumer point of view.’

Gary Higson, Associate Director at Scroxton & Partners said: The charity was a pleasure to work with especially the principal and their enthusiasm for the business was palpable, which made the project very rewarding to work on. I would have liked to have continued working with them on the next stages had it not been for other commitments.’

Lemon Leopard are now working with Carter Jonas to establish a shared space in Hoxton, where disadvantaged people can come together to support one another and share skills and experiences.

As they begin to realise their plans, they are seeking further pro bono support with a range of technical and professional services – find out more here