
Keep up to date with the latest news from LandAid, including new projects, fundraising successes and thought leadership pieces from across the industry.


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LandAid Day – what it means

Today is LandAid Day, the annual day of fundraising where the UK property and construction sectors unite to do something amazing for disadvantaged children and young people. Across the UK, over 50 companies will show their commitment to our cause by getting active or doing something serious, silly and selfless to fundraise for LandAid.

Latest child poverty figures highlight growing inequality

Figures released by the Campaign to End Child Poverty yesterday paint a bleak picture, particularly for London's children. Our capital, home to some of the most expensive real estate in the world, officially contains the highest child poverty rates in the UK. Ten London constituencies hold this unfortunate accolade. Bethnal Green and Bow, which has 49% children in poverty, is the highest in the country. The leafy environs of well-heeled Wimbledon, Twickenham and Richmond Park each have 15%. That's one child in seven.

Get your Construction Rocks off

Here at LandAid Towers we're gearing up for the next big event in the property industry calendar: Construction Rocks. Neatly sandwiched between the London TowerAthlon and LandAid Day, the construction industry's Monsters of Rock will return to Waterloo Vaults on the evening of 9 October.

London TowerAthlon – The Results!

A massive thank you to each and every one of the 200 property professionals who came, saw and conquered the Broadgate Tower on Friday. The full list of results are now on our special event report, along with all the pictures, videos and tweets - there was some fantastic activity throughout the day on Broadgate plaza. You can also see a video of Rupert Parker hitting his winning distance of 10.3km in the cycle challenge, and daredevil Sam McClary of Estates Gazette completing her abseil.