
Keep up to date with the latest news from LandAid, including new projects, fundraising successes and thought leadership pieces from across the industry.


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#LandAidXmas – our appeal

This Christmas the UK faces a child poverty and homelessness crisis - and we need your help. According to the Child Poverty Action Group, one child in three will spend the next two years living on the breadline. That's 4 million children living in acute poverty in the eight largest economy in the world. Let's think about what that means for a moment.

Inverdale opens Eikon

On Friday I attended the grand opening of Eikon's beautiful new offices at Fulbrook School in Surrey. After several years of planning and six months of construction, supported by a £20,000 refurbishment grant from LandAid, the new centre will enable Eikon to double their services and reach out to more young people across the county.

Celebrating pro bono

This week (3 - 7 November) is National Pro Bono Week, which celebrates the free legal advice given by law firms to communities across the UK. LandAid launched its own pro bono programme in July this year. While the legal profession has a long tradition of giving pro bono advice, it is not as established in other parts of the property industry.

LandAid Day – what it means

Today is LandAid Day, the annual day of fundraising where the UK property and construction sectors unite to do something amazing for disadvantaged children and young people. Across the UK, over 50 companies will show their commitment to our cause by getting active or doing something serious, silly and selfless to fundraise for LandAid.

Building futures in the North East

On Monday 22 September, officially the last day of summer, I accompanied LandAid chairman Robin Broadhurst on a visit to an unusually sunny North East, to see first-hand the positive changes that LandAid funding has brought to two Newcastle projects. First on the day's agenda was a trip to the YMCA in Walker, where Robin had been invited to officially open a refurbished premises on Welbeck Road.

Get your Construction Rocks off

Here at LandAid Towers we're gearing up for the next big event in the property industry calendar: Construction Rocks. Neatly sandwiched between the London TowerAthlon and LandAid Day, the construction industry's Monsters of Rock will return to Waterloo Vaults on the evening of 9 October.