Nottinghamshire YMCA – COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Nottinghamshire YMCA provides a variety of user-led programmes across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, such as supported accommodation for both homeless adults and children in care, outdoor education, digital media and the arts, supporting some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged community members into volunteering, employment and training.

Cost of the project



Nottinghamshire, UK

The impact of lockdown caused a deterioration in mental health in residents at Nottinghamshire, with many in self-isolation due to exhibiting symptoms. This, coupled with the reduction of GP and mental health services had further exacerbated their conditions. Many were unable to access the training and education they once did, as this had been paused due to COVID-19.

LandAid’s £2,700 grant covered ‘trauma informed’ care training, food and toiletries, and indoor books and games for the residential homes.