Shelter From The Storm – COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Shelter From The Storm’s mission is to house and support the homeless in London whoever they are, wherever they come from.

Cost of the project



London, UK

In light of COVID-19, Shelter’s guests stayed in funded hotel accomodation. Shelter continued to provide its support services to its guests, including counselling.

Phase 1

LandAid’s £10,000 grant helped the shelter enforce social distancing. This included split screens in communal areas, a one way system around the shelter and PPE for all.

Phase 2

This £20,000 phase two grant funded the purchase and installation of a new shop front so that, when social distancing eased, Shelter From The Storm could open its retail unit and accommodate all the guests in the original dormitories. The grant also went towards the provision of training, volunteering and employment opportunities for young people in the shop, as well as a bike repair facility, engaging both the shelter’s young guests and also young people from the neighbourhood.