YMCA Exeter – COVID-19 Emergency Fund

YMCA Exeter provides supported accommodation for 52 young adults who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. The charity also supports younger children and teenagers in the wider community through mental health interventions, open access youth services and horticulture rehabilitation for ex-offenders, all of which often includes homelessness prevention signposting and advice.

Cost of the project



Exeter, UK

Due to COVID-19, YMCA Exeter saw a significant increase in housing applications from young people who were fleeing domestic violence, and others who were no longer able to sofa surf due to social distancing. Many of the young people supported were also dealing with a loss of employment struggled to cope with isolation and deteriorating mental health.

LandAid’s £8,047 grant covered staffing resources of their mental health service. This included additional five days per week of their trained wellbeing workers to provide mental health intervention for up to 60 residents.