YMCA Norfolk

YMCA Norfolk supports 3,500 people per year, the majority of whom are under 25. This includes supports those in care or leaving care, refugees, migrants, those seeking asylum, victims of domestic violence, mothers and babies, those with mental health issues.

Cost of the project



Great Yarmouth, UK

LandAid’s £24,000 grant helped fund the renovation and conversion of a large run-down house into shared flats for young people to move on to when they leave hostel accommodation and are ready to reach a new level of independence.

The impact

The project provides a safe home for 14 young people who are ready to move on from hostel accommodation, offering them a greater sense of stability, freedom and independence. It also helps free up bed spaces in the charity’s fully supported hostel Hall Quay, creating additional housing options for young people who are ready to move out.

YMCA Norfolk provide the young people living in flats with tenancy management support and access to life skills activities to help them develop their independent living skills and break the cycle of homelessness.