Ambassador of the Month #11 – Annabel Freeman, Guy Heilpern, Tom Newton and Jo Wilkinson

Last year we started a new Ambassador of the Month campaign, to further recognise the amazing work our Ambassadors are doing.


Each month we’ll select one Ambassador to speak to, asking them about their time at LandAid and highlighting something exceptional they’ve done.


Our past Ambassadors of the month have been: Anna Stewart from BNPPRE, Alexander Barnes and Joseph Round from Gerald Eve LLP, Kitty Kent from PwC, Sophie Walker from Gerald Eve LLP, Emma Murray from Palmer Capital, Laura Da Silva from Malcolm Hollis, Sarah Gunn from TFT Consultants, India Storey from Logicor UK, Bryony Jones and Jake Craig from Gerald Eve LL and Owen Dutton from Eversheds Sutherland.


We’re really pleased to announce our eleventh Ambassadors of the Month as Annabel Freeman, Guy Heilpern, Tom Newton and Jo Wilkinson from SEGRO! We selected them in part for their amazing efforts in arranging the Big SEGRO Quiz in September, raising funds for LandAid, and for their general fantastic work shouting about our mission to end youth homelessness.


We asked them some questions about their time as LandAid Ambassadors so far. Check out their answers below.


Why did you get involved in the LandAid Ambassador programme?


In our first few months at SEGRO we were asked if we would be interested in LandAid’s Ambassador programme and were invited to introductory presentations. We were all inspired by the hugely influential work that LandAid is carrying out across the UK to end youth homelessness. We feel the importance of giving back and making a difference and see LandAid’s mission as an exceptional initiative.


What has been the most enjoyable thing you’ve done as Ambassadors?


Guy: LandAid Ambassador Challenge 2019 – we met various people throughout the industry and managed to fundraise over £10,000.


Jo: LandAid Ambassador Challenge 2019 – it was a great way to meet other ambassadors from across the industry and share fundraising ideas!


Annabel: LandAid Ambassador Challenge 2018 – Being outdoors in the beautiful Peak District whilst raising money for LandAid is a win-win for both parties. Naturally it rained the entire time!


Tom: Running the LandAid 10K and participating in Steptober last year!


Which fundraising idea you’ve seen someone else undertake for LandAid most impressed you?


The £269,000 fundraised by the first LandAid SleepOut was very impressive and provided an example of the industry-wide collaboration from individuals and organisations backing the LandAid mission and looking to make a difference. Another example of this collaborative approach which impressed us is the annual Steptober event, which last year raised over £100,000!


Why would you say other people should become LandAid Ambassadors?


If you enjoy charity work and making a difference then we can’t think of a better place to start within the property industry than being a LandAid Ambassador! The role lets you meet, socialise and network with various people across the industry and all for a fantastic cause. LandAid has hugely supported us throughout our time as Ambassadors and has been influential in helping to facilitate our ideas – this includes the Big SEGRO Quiz!


What’s been your proudest moment/achievement as an Ambassador?


Guy: The Big SEGRO Quiz – This has been a challenge to organise but holds huge fundraising potential. If successful, we hope it will spur on future fundraising events.


Jo: Completing the LandAid 10K in under an hour was a personal challenge I was very proud to achieve. Back in January when I first started running I thought 5K was as far as I was going to go, but with the support of colleagues and LandAid I was able to push myself further. Come September, a proud moment will be The Big SEGRO Quiz – it has taken a great amount of organising but the fundraising potential is incredible and it should be a fantastic event!


Tom: The Big SEGRO Quiz – I have really enjoyed bringing the event together from a concept to an actual fundraising event with the team, which we are now very much looking forward to in September!


Annabel: The Big SEGRO Quiz – This is an awesome opportunity to shine the spotlight on LandAid internally, and in the Industrial property sector, to tie in with LandAid Day.


If you’d like to tell us about something you’ve done which you think qualifies you as our Ambassador of the Month, or you’d like to nominate another Ambassador for the accolade, then email Tom Gellatly and let him know.