LandAid awards £423,375 worth of grants to charities across the UK, supporting young people experiencing homelessness

LandAid’s Grants and Impact Committee met in September to offer feedback on our growing Pro Bono Programme and approve £423,375 worth of grants to charities across the UK. The grants will fund four key projects for DePaul UK/Nightstop, The Foyer Foundation, End Youth Homelessness, YMCA Together.

LandAid’s Grants team is supported by the Grants and Impact Committee, which consists of senior property industry members and trustees who meet throughout the year to allocate funding to a variety of projects.

Our Grants programme focuses on routes out of homelessness for young people including Safe Places, Capital Grants and Move-On funding.

See below for further information on our newly awarded projects:

According to projections from our social value calculator developed by HACT, all these projects will generate well over £5 of social value for every pound invested.

DePaul UK/Nightstop
A nationwide project called Nightstop Network Capacity Building. This sees hosts take in young people who have nowhere else to turn, into their own homes, until a more temporary accommodation solution can be sourced. The grant will be used to rebuild the capacity of the national Nightstop network as host numbers plummeted during the pandemic from 600 to 300 nationwide.

  • Funds awarded: £120,199
  • Bedspaces: 80

The Foyer Federation
The Foyer Federation for the nationwide Moving On Up’ programme. The Foyer Federation provide housing, support and training, developing the talent of young people who have experienced homelessness.
The funding will be available to use in different ways such as rent deposits, white goods, and agency fees, for Foyer’s many residents. Over 40 local Foyer Federations will be able to access the fund.

  • Funds awarded: £120,000
  • Bedspaces: 100 over 18 months

End Youth Homelessness
End Youth Homelessness Housing Fund. This fund enables young people to move-on into rented accommodation. The programme has been running for over five years with established successes.

  • Funds awarded: £186,276
  • Bedspaces: 100 over 12 months

YMCA Together
Project Apprentice House with the YMCA Together, a Liverpool-based charity working across the North West. The funds will support renovation of the house including installation of en-suite bathrooms and bring into use six move-on bedspaces.
Young people accommodated in the project will be referred from YMCA supported housing projects. They will be offered apprenticeships within the YMCA project portfolio, and benefit from affordable rents while they take their first steps into employment and independent living.

  • Funds awarded : £50,000
  • Bedspaces: 6

For more information on our funded projects, have a read here.