Key homelessness statistics

  • 135,800

    young people

    experienced or were at risk of homelessness in 2022-23

  • 54 %

    became homeless

    because of a relationship breakdown with family and friends

  • 20 %

    of care leavers

    experience homelessness within 2 years of leaving care

  • 24 %

    of the youth homelessness population

    identifies as LGBTQ+, and are 12 times more likely to experience homelessness

  • 27 %

    of people accessing homelessness services

    are from BAME communities

  • 48 %

    of adults over 25

    who were homeless, first became homeless aged 20 or younger

  • 35 %

    of young homeless people

    have mental health problems

  • 16 %

    of the general population

    are diagnosed with a mental health condition, half as many as young people experiencing homelessness

  • 28 %

    of people in the UK

    believe people sleeping rough are to blame for the fact they've ended up on the streets

  • 72 %

    of the population

    believe rough sleepers could get themselves off the street if they wanted to

  • 20 %

    of 16-25 year-olds

    sofa surfed in 2014, and roughly half of these did so for more than a month

  • 225,000

    young people in London

    have stayed in an insecure or unsafe place because they had no safe place to call home

  • 4 million

    people each year

    fall in to the category of the "hidden homeless", sofa surfing or living as a concealed adult in a household unit

  • £ 20,128

    is the estimated cost

    of a single person sleeping rough in the UK for 12 months

Find out more

Young people’s stories

LandAid supports charities across the UK who give young people experiencing homelessness the lifeline that they so desperately need.

Projects we’ve supported

Find out more about the projects that have given young people a safe and affordable place to call home.