
Keep up to date with the latest news from LandAid, including new projects, fundraising successes and thought leadership pieces from across the industry.


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In conversation with: Sophie Jarzebowski, Regional Board Member in the South West

Spring is nearly upon us which means the South West Spring Party is just around the corner! Ahead of this incredible event run by LandAid’s SW Regional Board, we go #InConversationWith Sophie Jarzebowski – Associate Architect at Stride Treglown by day and key member of the event’s organising committee by night. We chat all things Bristol, Board and why our mission to end youth homelessness is more important than ever.

Patron Profile: Liz Peace CBE

Former LandAid Chair, Liz Peace reflects on the work she has done with LandAid to date, the legacy she has helped create through Real Estate Balance, and how the Patrons Network can play to the strengths of the industry to make small connections with a big impact.