New bill will help single people and childless couples experiencing homelessness
On Friday, the Homelessness Reduction Bill, proposed by Bob Blackman MP, passed its second reading in Parliament - its first major hurdle.
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On Friday, the Homelessness Reduction Bill, proposed by Bob Blackman MP, passed its second reading in Parliament - its first major hurdle.
This year's future-themed LandAid Day is approaching fast and the property industry are getting ready to launch their ideas. Here's what's coming up:
30 property professionals raced to summit 24 mountains in 24 hours last weekend, raising £8,000 for LandAid.
Homelessness is one of the most critical issues facing society today, so it's great to see people from different walks of life coming up with new ways to tackle this problem. From politics to plays, football tournaments to cutting-edge technology, here's our run down of some of the innovative ways people have come together recently to support those who are homeless...
Most of us like the thought of raising money for charity but sometimes coming up with ideas can be tricky. Yesterday, over 40 professionals from across the property sector gathered at our LandAid Day Workshop hosted by the RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors) in the hope of gaining fundraising inspiration for LandAid Day in October.
Property people from across the sector will be pitting their wits against each other at a unique challenge event on 16 September, the London TowerAthlon. Organised by LandAid and the Worshipful Company of Chartered Surveyors, the event sees hundreds of professionals complete an assault course on and around the Broadgate Tower, London's 11th highest skyscraper.
This week Telereal Trillium staff tell us about their fundraising campaign for LandAid which made £24,000 to help vulnerable young people.
LandAid has awarded £1.3m in grants to bring empty or derelict properties back into use as much needed homes for young people
Today, 1 April 2016, marks the beginning of LandAid's new mission to end youth homelessness.