About the Organisation
1625 Independent People works to prevent youth homelessness via early intervention and supported accommodation. We work with young people who are facing homelessness, leaving care, or at risk of homelessness in Bristol and the South West.
Our specialist services range from signposting or advice, to intensive one-to one support, supported housing, group activities and peer support. As well as providing safe, stable accommodation, we provide practical and emotional support to ensure vulnerable young people can build healthy relationships, develop independent living skills and can access jobs and training.
We nurture the existing skills, strengths and talent in young people, to show them they can believe in themselves, and that they have the skills to thrive as an independent adult. Our staff are trained to provide emotional support, as young people often have histories that involve trauma and disrupted family life. We know that positive relationships based on trust, mutual respect and dignity is the key tool for change for young people.
We support those who are already homeless and those at risk of homelessness, including young people who are rough sleeping, and those who number amongst the hidden homeless, helping to find and/or sustain their accommodation as well as providing safe and stable supported housing that is affordable and accessible. Our Youth MAPS project supports young people to remain at home, where it is safe to do so.
Request details
1625ip currently have 46 properties in their portfolio, for use as ‘move-on’ accommodation for their service users. 40 are owned by a Registered Social Landlord and six are in the ownership of the charity itself. The properties are all based in Bristol and vary from 3–4 bed terraced houses, with 20 bedspaces in total. They are designed to be low support accommodation to help build independence, with staff making regular visits to tenants rather than being on site full-time and service users tending to stay for up to a year.
The ability to provide safe, quality housing is a priority of the charity and the six properties they own are now in need of condition surveys to ensure they are brought up to the Decent Homes Standard. The surveys will enable 1625ip to identify shorter term maintenance needs and improvements that can be made, but also to help protect their assets through understanding and planning to meet the future needs of the properties and identify long term plans around funding.
The six properties are also in need of carbon assessments and suggestions on how to improve the energy efficiency of these homes. With the cost-of-living crisis, the charity is working with their young people to look at behaviours and choices that can reduce the cost of energy in their homes. However, they are also keen to see what can be done to reduce energy required by the building in the first place, and what options there may be.
1625ip would be grateful for offers of pro bono services to provide condition surveys and/or energy assessments and advice on energy reduction.
There is currently no fixed deadline, but the charity are keen to undertake this work ASAP.