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Fighting Homelessness CIC
Initial Property Consultation

About the Organisation


Fighting Homelessness CIC (Community Interest Company) is a unique, one-of-a-kind organisation that uses an alternative programme to support people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk. By using combat sports such as martial arts and boxing, FHCIC aims to help people overcome trauma, addiction, improve their mental health, and provide a sense of belonging, amongst other things. FHCIC aims to break down barriers and build relationships within the community before introducing them to martial arts centres and boxing gyms. 

Having started in Cardiff, due to high demand FHCIC has expanded across Wales. Since the start of their service delivery in 2022, FHCIC has grown substantially, with over 100 participants each year. In 2024 thus far, there are already 55 participants. FHCIC has also been asked to partner with HMPPS around preventing young people from going into county lines and modern slavery. 

Due to their growing success, the organisation has also garnered media attention across Wales.  

Request details

FHCIC has found that the biggest challenge for their participants is that they must return to their volatile supported accommodation after training- hindering their progress.  

FHCIC is looking to create on- site accommodation for their participants. The organisations business plan aims to set up a site where cabins would be used for accommodation, as well as providing a free gym for community members. This would enable them to continue their life changing work.  

Fighting Homelessness CIC would be grateful for an initial property consultation in order to get their project stated. There is also scope for providing further support as the project takes off. 



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